팝송베스트 20
1. beatles - Yesterday
2. beatles - Let it be
3. simon& garfunkel - Bridge over troubled water
4. abba - Dancing queen
5. bee gees - Don't forget to remember
6. simon& garfunkel - The sound of silence
7. abba - Mamma mia
8. eagles - Hotel california
9. scorpions - Holiday
10. carpenters - Yesterday once more
11. carpenters - Top of the world
12. manhattans - Kiss and say good bye
13. susan jacks - Ever green
14. lionel richie - Say you say me
15. john denver - Take me home country roads
16. olivia newton john - Let me be there
17. barbia streisand - Memory
18. don mclean - Vincent
19. simon& garfunkel - The boxer
20. smokie - Living nest door to alice
출처 : 시인의 파라다이스
글쓴이 : 향천 원글보기
메모 :
'해외음악' 카테고리의 다른 글
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