
[스크랩] Windflowers..

시온백향목 2013. 4. 23. 23:28



Seals & Crofts
My father told me
Not to go near them
He said he feared them always
And he told me
That they carried him away

Beautiful Windflowers
I couldn't wait to touch them,
To smell them, I help them closely
And now I cannot break away

Their sweet bouquet disappears
Like the vapor in the desert
So take a warning, son

Windflowers, Ancient windflowers
Their beauty captures
Every young dreamer
Who lingers near them
But Ancient windflowers
I love you



Windflower(아네모네)의 전설

옛날 꽃의 신 플로라에게는 아네모네라는 아름다운 미모의 시녀가
있었는데,그녀를 염치도 없이 플로라의 남편인 바람의 신 제피로스가
사랑을 했습니다.

이 사실을 안 플로라는 아네모네를 멀리 포모누의 궁전으로 내쫓았습니다.
그러나 제피로스는 바람을 타고 곧 그녀를 뒤쫓아가서 둘은 깊고 뜨거운
사랑에 빠져 들었습니다.

새(bird)로 변한 플로라는 두사람이 있는 곳으로 날아가 그 광경을
보고 질투에 불탄 나머지 아네모네를 꽃으로 만들었습니다.

슬픔에 젖은 제피로스는 언제까지나 아네모네를 잊지 못하고 매년 봄이
오면 늘 따뜻한 바람을 보내어 아네모네를 아름답게 꽃피운다고 합니다.
이 꽃의 꽃말은 I love you 입니다


Seals & Crofts


월남전과 흑인 민권 운동 등으로 혼란스런 1960년대를 마감한 미국인들은 1970년대가 되자

자신들의 지친 마음을 추스르기 시작합니다.

집단적 집합 의식으로 뭉쳤던 1960년대를 뒤로 하고 지극히 개인적인 생활 패턴을 추구하기 시작한것이죠.

어수선한 사회를 대변한 음악이었던 사이키델릭과 블루스가 음악 전선에서 뒤로 물러나고

감미로운 팝음악이 대세를 쥐기 시작합니다.



카펜터스(Carpenters), 브레드(Bread), 아메리카(America), 제임스 테일러(James Taylor), 실즈 & 크로프츠(Seals & Crofts)같은 부드러운 아티스트들의 활약이 두드러졌습니다.

1969년 로스앤젤레스에서 결합한 짐 실즈(Jim Seals)와 댄 크로프츠(Dan Crofts)는 1970년대 초반부터 중반까지

모두 5장의 골드 앨범을 창출한 소프트 팝록 듀엣이었습니다.



이들의 음악은 포크를 바탕으로 한 팝록으로 낙천적이면서 한가로운 나날의 서정을 정확히 그려냈니다.

짐 실즈의 동생 댄 실즈(Dan Seals)는 'I'd really love to see you tonight'으로 유명한 잉글랜드 댄 & 존 포드 콜리(England Dan & John Ford Coley)의 잉글랜드 댄이기도 했습니다.


1970년에 발표한 데뷔 앨범은 침묵 속에 묻혔지만 2년 후에 공개한 부터 자신들의

음악 실력을 유감 없이 발휘하기 시작하기 시작합니다.

대표작 에 수록된 'Hummingbird(20위)'와 'Summer breeze(6위)'를 통해 본격적으로 팬들에게 다가갔으며, 이듬해에 공개해 앨범 차트 4위를 기록한 이 곡은 이들의 명성을 한 단계 업그레이드시켰습니다.



'Diamond girl(6위)'과 'We may never pass this way(21위)'가 나란히 히트 차트에 오르며 최고의 순간을 누립니다.

이후 종교적 성향을 드러낸 듀오는 바하이 종교에 심취하는 한편

1974년에는 반낙태를 주제로 한 음반 를 발표해 사회적 논쟁거리를 제공해 많은 낙태 지지자들이

실즈 & 크로프츠의 공연장에서 데모를 하기도 했습니다.

이러한 민감한 사회적으로 민간한 이슈를 공론화한 것 때문인지 1976년부터는

이들의 인기가 하락세를 나타내기 시작합니다.



1978년에 나온 에서 커트된 'You're the love(18위)'를 마지막으로 순위 경쟁과는 결별을 하고

1980년에 를 마지막으로 밴드 생활을 청산했습니다.

해산후 댄 크로프츠는 여러 나라를 돌며 방랑자적인 생활을 택했고

짐 실즈는 코스타리카의 커피 농장에서 자신이 만들었던 노래들처럼 여유롭고 한가하게 지내는 등 음악계와는 무관하게 남은 생을 영위하고 있다고 합니다.



실즈 앤 크로프츠는 1970년대 소프트 록의 전형을 제시한 그룹중 하나이며, 이들의 노래들은 지금까지 많은 사람들에게 '여름날의 산들바람'처럼 상쾌함을 선사하고 있습니다.





Seals and Crofts were a band made up of Jim Seals (born James Seals, October 17, 1941) and Dash Crofts (born Darrell Crofts, August 14, 1940). The soft rock duo was one of the musical acts of the 1970s. They are best known for their Hot 100 No. 6 hits "Summer Breeze", "Diamond Girl", and "Get Closer".

The duo disbanded in 1980. They reunited briefly in 1991–1992 and again in 2004, when they released their final album, Traces.[1]

Both members have long been public advocates of the Bahá'í Faith.


Reference : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seals_and_Crofts


Seals and Crofts 1975.JPG


Jim Seals and Dash Crofts were both born in Texas, Seals in Sidney and Crofts in Cisco. They first met when Crofts was a drummer for a local band. Later, Seals joined a band called Dean Beard and the Crew Cuts where he played guitar; later on Crofts joined the band. With Beard, they moved to Los Angeles, California to join The Champs, but the two did so only after the group's "Tequila" reached #1 in 1958.

In 1963, Jimmy Seals, Dash Crofts, Glen Campbell, and Jerry Cole left The Champs to form a band named "Glen Campbell and the GCs" which played at The Crossbow in Van Nuys, CA. The band only lasted a couple of years before the members went their separate ways. Crofts returned to Texas and Seals joined a band named The Dawnbreakers (a reference to a book by the same name about the beginnings of the Baha'i Faith). Crofts eventually returned to California to join The Dawnbreakers. However, The Dawnbreakers turned out to be unsuccessful. Crofts married fellow Dawnbreaker Billie Lee Day in 1969, and both Seals and Crofts were introduced to and became members of the Bahá'í Faith.

After the failure with The Dawnbreakers, the two decided to play as a duo, with Seals on guitar, saxophone and violin, and Crofts on guitar and mandolin. They signed a contract with the record division of Talent Associates (TA) in 1969 and released two LPs, of which, only the second reached the Billboard 200 chart, peaking at No. 122 in October 1970. The pair signed a new contract with Warner Bros. Records in 1971. Their first album with their new label did not break into the charts, but their second album Summer Breeze charted at No. 7 in 1972. The record sold over one million copies, and was awarded a gold disc by the R.I.A.A. in December 1972.[2]

The duo played at the California Jam festival in Ontario, California on April 6, 1974. Attracting over 200,000 fans, the concert put them alongside '70s acts such as Black Sabbath, Eagles, Emerson, Lake & Palmer, Deep Purple, Earth, Wind & Fire, Black Oak Arkansas, and Rare Earth. Portions of the show were telecast on ABC Television in the US, exposing the duo to a wider audience.

After a long and successful run of recordings in the 1970s, the two lost their contract with Warner Brothers in 1980 and decided to set aside music for a while. They held a short reunion tour in 1991–1992 and appeared at several Bahá'í gatherings. Crofts lived in Mexico, Australia and then Nashville, Tennessee, playing country music and making occasional hit singles. Seals moved to Costa Rica and has lived on a coffee farm off and on since 1980, as well as in Nashville. Crofts currently resides on a ranch in the Texas hill country.

Seals and Crofts are longtime adherents of the Baha'i faith. A number of their songs contain Baha'i references, including passages from Baha'i scriptures. When they appeared in concert, they often remained on stage after the performance to talk about the faith while local Baha'is passed out literature to anyone interested.[3]

Seals' younger brother, the late Dan Seals was also well known as one half of another successful soft rock band in the same time period, England Dan & John Ford Coley, as well as for his success as a country artist starting in the mid-1980s.

In 1991, Seals and Crofts reunited and performed until disbanding again a year later. In 2004, they reunited again and recorded their first new album since 1980, released as Traces.

In 2011 the bandmates' daughters, Juliet Seals and Amelia Crofts, formed a musical trio, along with Seals & Crofts' engineer's (Joey Bogan) daughter, Genevieve Dozier, called The Humming Birds. They released their first EP "The Humming Birds" in September 2012.


Posted by Dad Of Eddy & Jane

On 21st of April

At the Los Angeles

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